The Bermuda Triangle of holidays, drugs and alcohol

The Bermuda Triangle of holidays, drugs and alcohol

We’ve made it through the Bermuda Triangle (the holidays: Thanksgiving,  Christmas and New Years) where drugs, alcohol and families can be rough at sea. There is probably no time of year that can be so filled with mixed feelings for clients and therapists alike.

1 thought on “The Bermuda Triangle of holidays, drugs and alcohol”

  1. True that Dr. Frank! Not only is it difficult for us to watch our patients struggle through the holidays when family and friends are not close, we also may be suffering from the loss of our own loved ones at this time of year. Also, as a couples’ counselor I can’t help but notice many partners idealize others’ relationships during the holiday season if theirs is not in tip top shape. It becomes easy for a couple to deny there own rocky waters temporarily only to find that as the new year begins in earnest the issues return with a tsunami like vengeance! Let’s hope we can learn to deal with the aftermath of the holiday sea(son) with an antithetical triangle: self care, loving kindness and a perhaps a bit of counseling!

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