Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) is just one of the meditation based approaches being used to address the Substance Use…
Raise awareness for collegiate recovery programs in our local community. This incredible event described below: Announcing the First Annual Golf…
When someone’s gambling gets out of control, it can be extremely destructive and devastating both to the person who is…
Please read my new post as a guest blogger at GoodTherapy.org, Three Reasons to Leave: Abuse, Addiction, and Affairs…. http://www.goodtherapy.org/blog/three-reasons-to-leave-abuse-addiction-affairs-1205134…
In a previous post, “Therapy Resources,” I provided a list of about 20 links to help you begin your…
In a recent Philadelphia Inquirer, on January 18th 2013, William Bender discusses the virtures of Vivitrol in controling craving for addiction…
Exploring the evolutionary basis for cheating and other dishonest behaviors can help us understand why they happen.
University of Pennsylvania Drug and Alcohol Research focuses on biological explanations using MRIs to explain opiate, marijuana, nicotine, cocaine and…
Heroin was considered a “safe, non-addictive” substitute for morphine. Now psychologists, psychiatrists, therapists and counselors work with patients using Suboxone and Subutex…
There are many professional disciplines which focus on understanding and treating addiction including medicine, psychiatry, psychology, social work and the…