“Jealous Much? MySpace, Facebook Can Spark It” (Persch, Jasmin Aline, msnbc.com, 08/31/07)
An article on how couples’ spying on each other through social networking websites like MySpace and Facebook can trigger paranoia.
“Facebook and Divorce: Airing the Dirty Laundry” (Luscombe, Belinda, Time, 06/22/09)
This article shows how divorce lawyers are now using social networking websites like Facebook in cases due to the amount of damaging information shared with the public by enraged spouses.
“Is Chatting Cheating?” (Ben-Zeev, Aaron, Psychology Today, 09/05/08)
A professor of philosophy examines the current issue of online affairs, stating while in some ways these affairs can be less damaging that they are highly emotional and psychologically real, causing harm to relationships.
“Emotional Infidelity” (Formica, Michael J., Psychology Today, 09/07/08)
A follow-up article to Aaron Ben-Zeev’s “Is Chatting Cheating?” which states that the emotional infidelity of online affairs is an expression of either the need or the desire to absent oneself from one’s primary relationship, without actually leaving that relationship. Therefore the author feels that online affairs are socially equal to offline affairs.
“Counselors: Online Affairs Skyrocketing” (Sherman, Bill, Tulsa World, 10/12/09)
An article based out of Tulsa, Oklahoma, in which local counselors say that instances of married clients using social networking websites to cheat on partners is rapidly increasing.
“Internet Addiction Can Harm Real Relationships” (Evangelista, Benny, SF Gate, 11/15/09)
In this article experts in the field of psychology discuss the issue of internet addiction and whether it is an actual addiction or a symptom of depression and isolation. Some say the immediate rewards one gets from the internet can be more gratifying than building actual relationships which requires more work.
Pew Internet & American Life Project: Online Dating (2010)
An extensive report by the Pew Research Center on Online Dating. Includes sections on the state of relationships in America and attitudes about online dating.
“Is This Man Cheating On His Wife?” (Alter, Alexandra, Wall Street Journal, 08/10/07)
Alexandra Alter on the toll one man’s virtual marriage is taking on his real one and what researchers are discovering about the surprising power of synthetic identity.
“An IM Infatuation Turned to Romance. Then the Truth Came Out” (Labi, Nadya, Wired, 08/21/07)
The story of Thomas Montgomery, a married father of two in New York state who’s online infatuation through the game site Pogo.com led him to commit murder offline.
“Internet Dating Much More Successful Than Thought” (University of Bath, 02/23/05)
Internet dating is proving a much more successful way to find long-term romance and friendship for thousands of people than was previously thought, research shows.
“Relationships 2.0 — How Technology Redefines How We Connect” (Taylor, Jim, The Huffington Post, 10/11/09)
An article on how technology influences relationships, with many of the changes being positive and productive.