As a licensed psychologist and certified addiction counselor with a private practice in Philadelphia, I’ve had extensive experience working with many different clients and patients in numerous settings. In commitment to our community, I established Jeremy Frank & Associates, a group of like-minded individuals who aim to promote the health and well-being for those who want to address substance use and other mental health issues.
Areas in which we specialize include addiction, depression, anxiety, eating disorders, relationship issues, stress, sexual orientation, and much more. I believe counseling is a process where a client and therapist work together to establish an agenda that will accomplish a client’s goals for therapy. This may initially require something as simple as sorting out thoughts and feelings and it might be more complex such as uncovering unconscious feelings or learning to communicate more effectively with loved ones.
My group and I support abstinence but we also recognize that our clients may not be ready for that. ‘Harm reduction‘ is an approach to counseling that values first and foremost reducing harm in the client’s life and helping them meet short and long-term goals that they establish for themselves which may or may not include abstinence.
This website is designed for patients and therapists to learn more about how we work and how we might be able to help. Obtaining counseling for a mental health issue is a personal, sensitive, and often complicated experience. We hope to provide information here that will make this process an easier, more informed, and more humane experience.
About Jeremy Frank
For over 25 years, I’ve provided treatment, psychotherapy, and counseling for individuals, couples, and families. My services include evaluation, consultation, and referrals to people struggling with substance use disorders, behavioral addictions, depression, anxiety, self-esteem, anger management, and more. I believe in educating and matching clients to the various treatment options available to them as no one program is a one-size-fits-all approach to addiction treatment.
For six years, I was the program coordinator for Temple University’s Campus Alcohol and Substance Awareness Program that provides individual and group counseling to students suffering from addictions, depression, anxiety, stress, and relationship issues. I provided consultation in all areas of addiction treatment including intervention, detox, and rehabilitation centers.
I’ve also served as the Assistant Director of the University of Sciences Student Health and Counseling for five years and as a Primary Therapist for Rehab After Work, an intensive outpatient drug and alcohol rehabilitation center in Philadelphia, southern New Jersey, and the surrounding suburbs.
Currently, I’m a credentialed provider with “Lawyers Concerned for Lawyers,” a program in the Lawyers Concerned for Lawyers Provider Network for Pennsylvania which focuses on attorneys with drug and alcohol problems. I’m also an approved provider of clinical services to the National Basketball Association (NBA) and the National Basketball Players Association (NBPA), providing services to NBA players and their families in the Player Assistance and Anti Drug Program.
Furthermore, I myself have been in recovery with over 28 years of sobriety. I live with my wife and two children in Philadelphia and I’m an avid soccer player, gardener, hiker, and appreciator of art and music. Those have been rewards of, and resulted from, being in recovery.
Click to view my Curriculum Vitae.