College students in recovery from addiction in Philadelphia and Montgomery County: Alcohol and drug use in local colleges is met with strong recovery as students find meaning and purpose in Alcoholics Anonymous and Narcotics Anonoymous

Raise awareness for collegiate recovery programs in our local community. This incredible event described below: Announcing the First Annual Golf…

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University of Pennsylvania drug and alcohol research focuses on biological explanations for addiction in opiate, marijuana, nicotine, cocaine and alcohol addicts.

University of Pennsylvania Drug and Alcohol Research focuses on biological explanations using MRIs to explain opiate, marijuana, nicotine, cocaine and…

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Addiction Psychology Defined Part II – History of Addiction and Treatment

Heroin was considered a “safe, non-addictive” substitute for morphine. Now psychologists, psychiatrists, therapists and counselors work with patients using Suboxone and Subutex…

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